Businesses and Organisations


        Fundraise on our behalf - Any idea big or small is welcome, not only because of the money it raises, but because it helps spread the word and reach more people who need our help, or who can support, be that financially or with donations of time or equipment.      

We welcome support from businesses both in money and in kind, through skills and time from employees.  Please get in touch and we can see what arrangement would suit you best. 

How can your business help our charity? Below are a few suggestions, but all support is welcomed:

  • Promote our work with your staff and your client or customer base,
  • You could run events large or small to fundraise - bake sales, fayres, sponsored events,
  • Commit to ongoing financial support either online through our links or monthly subscriptions.
  • Offer community hours from your staff to support our work as Trustees',
  • Offer gifts in kind such as printing, merchandise venues or events to promote our work.



Could you help by holding a cake sale at school, or perhaps organise a non-uniform day in aid of Wiltshire Treehouse?  Tell us your ideas. We know you have lots of brilliant ideas out there.  Please get in touch and tell us what they are and we will do what we can to help. Community groups (and families and individuals!)Have you ever wanted to run a marathon or do a parachute jump or shave off all your hair? Could you organise a tea party or a concert or a dance as a fundraiser or would you like to help if someone else was organising one?  Do get in touch.  We are happy to help with tips and ideas.

Click here to download our Fundraising Pack containing ideas and sponsorship forms


Any idea big or small is welcome not only because of the money it raises but because it helps spread the word and reaches more people who need our help or who have time and skills they can offer us as volunteers.

Copyright Treehouse Wiltshire © 2025. All rights reserved.
Registered charity No. 1159719

Registered charity number in England and Wales:
1040419 and Scotland SCO42910