Useful Links

Click on image or name to link to website


Child Bereavement UK

Supporting families and educating professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement


Childhood Bereavement Network

The hub for those working with bereaved children, young people and their families across the UK



At a Loss logo

At a Loss

The UK’s bereavement signposting and information website. Directing the bereaved and those supporting them to information and services appropriate to their loss


Be U Swindon

Free one-to-one support for children and young people aged 0 - 25* in Swindon (*18-25 for those with SEND)


Bereavement Advice Centre

Information & advice on practical concerns after death


CAMHS - Wiltshire

Supporting young people with emotional, behavioural and mental health difficulties.

CAMHS - Swindon

Supporting young people with emotional, behavioural and mental health difficulties



Information and advice for children and young people. Call, chat online or email for support


Citizens Advice Bureau

We give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward - whoever they are, and whatever their problem
Cruse logo


Free support to all bereaved people - information, counselling support and training services

Daisy's dream logo

Daisy's Dream

Daisy's Dream is a professional support service responding to the needs of children and families affected by life threatening illness or bereavement. Covering Berkshire (and surrounding areas) and Cheshire East.


Dorothy House Hospice

We provide compassionate care and support for people in our community with a life-limiting illness. Our focus is on quality of life, helping patients to live well and die well.


Dying Matters

Set up by National Council for Palliative Care to promote the public awareness of dying, death and bereavement.


Grief Encounter

Support for bereaved children & young people in Bristol and the South West.


Hope Again

Hope Again is Cruse Bereavement Care's website for young people.  Cruse is a national charity that provides support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone close to them dies. We also work to enhance society’s care of bereaved people.



Ipsum is a Swindon based charity offering therapeutic art and music to ages 11 and upwards, and counselling/psychotherapy from 16 plus.


Julia's House Children's Hospice

We provide practical and emotional support for families caring for a child with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition, providing frequent and regular support in their own homes, in the community or at our hospices.

Maggies logo

Maggie's Centres

Centres for anyone affected by cancer - practical, emotional and psychological support


For better mental health. We can help you make choices about treatment, understand your rights or reach out to sources of support.

 Natural Death Centre logo

Natural Death Centre

Free advice and information about death and dying, helping people to make informed choices about death and burial

 Papyrus logo


National charity dedicated to preventing young suicides


Parenting with Cancer

It doesn't matter what your family looks like, or if you’re just diagnosed, in treatment, living with, or now cancer free, we will help you navigate family life and the challenges parenting throws at you.

 Relate logo


Relate offers counselling services for every type of relationship nationwide. We provide advice on marriage, LGBT issues, divorce and parenting.

Relate Dorset & South Wiltshire direct link:


Ruth Strauss Foundation

Pre-bereavement support for children facing the death of a parent, offering the professional emotional support they need to prepare for the future.  

Samaritans logo


Confidential emotional support service for anyone in the UK and Ireland. The telephone line is open 24 hours and drop in service available

 Sands logo


Supporting those who have lost a baby


See Saw

Grief support for children and young people in Oxfordshire

 Shout logo


It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help. 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere


Simon Says (child bereavement support Hampshire)

Supporting Hampshire children and young people up to the age of 18 years who have a significant person in their life who has died or is dying.

survivors of bereavement by suicide logo

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide

Here to meet the needs and break the isolation of those bereaved by the suicide of a close relative or friend


Teen Talk (North & West Wiltshire)

Service is aimed at 10-25 year olds who are struggling to deal with their feelings.

 Compassionate friends logo

The Compassionate Friends

Charity of bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents supporting others who have been similarly bereaved


The Rainbow Trust

Supporting children (0-18 yrs) with a serious or life-threatening illness

Swindon borough council logo

The Swindon Local Offer (SEND)

Support for young people (0-19 yrs) via professional referrals


The Wellbeing Programme - Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

Nature-based activities for people struggling with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, low mood and stress. Participants get involved in conservation work, wildlife walks and nature-based crafts


WAY (Widowed & Young)

WAY is the only national charity in the UK for men and women aged 50 or under when their partner died


Wiltshire Children and Young People Emotional Wellbeing Service

Signposts children and young people in Wiltshire to sources of support for good mental health and emotional wellbeing. Includes online counselling.

Winston's wish logo

Winston's Wish

National childhood bereavement organisation supporting children and families facing any kind of death


Young Carers - Carer Support Wiltshire

Carer Support Wiltshire is a local charity that supports all carers in Wiltshire. This includes young carers and young adult carers.

 swindon carers centre logo

Young Carers - Swindon Carers Centre

Part of the Carers Trust Network, established to provide help and support to the 21,000 unpaid carers in Swindon.

 Young Minds

Young Minds

UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health.


Apart of Me (free download game)

A beautiful world built to guide children and young people through their darkest moments, helping them to cope with the death of a loved one


Children's Centres

Children's centres and their services in the community are places where parents with children aged 0-5 years can share the challenges and joys of parenthood.  They offer a range of activities and support services to help you with all aspects of parenting to make sure your child gets the best start in life.

List of Swindon Children's Centres

List of Wiltshire Children's Centres


Copyright Treehouse Wiltshire © 2025. All rights reserved.
Registered charity No. 1159719

Registered charity number in England and Wales:
1040419 and Scotland SCO42910